Friday, April 17, 2009

peta2: K-Os Theory

For scientists, chaos theory means that sometimes, a small incident has a bigger impact than expected. In everyday life, I think we can all remember a time when we said or did something that had a much bigger effect than we thought it might or when we experienced something that changed the way we thought about things from then on.

For Toronto rapper K-OS, that moment happened when, as a kid, he decided it was strange to eat birds, because they fly. Years later, he decided to go vegetarian.

In his exclusive interview with peta2, K-OS tells us that story and others that motivated him to live a compassionate, vegetarian lifestyle and also throws out a few theories of his own, like how if you eat a bird or a pig or a fish, you might as well be eating your own dog—or how peta2 is a dynamic movement, like hip-hop. Check out these and other K-OS theories in the video below, and afterward, I bet all those little instances will have made a big impact.

By Cassandra Curbieo
via peta2

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